Grades of Matcha

Matcha is gaining popularity for a very long time now. And after my very first encounter with it, I wondered if I could actually select the perfect Matcha blend for me? Then I visited a close by super market to get a hold on to it. I was amazed to see all the different ranges of the tea present and got confused as to which one should I pick? I didn't really know until, one of the staff who had extensive knowledge of Matcha helped me out. But in your case, what if there is no one to help! Well, I am here to help, don't worry and read further to understand better. Prior to the purchase of any type of product, don't we decide on how we are going use it? Knowing how  to use Matcha is very important, as there are different Grades of Matcha and each of it serves a different purpose.  

Grades of Matcha
There are mainly two grades of Matcha: Ceremonial Grade Matcha and Culinary Grade Matcha. Out of which, Culinary Grade Matcha is sub divided into five categories: Premium, Café, Ingredient, Classic and Kitchen. 

Ceremonial Grade Matcha
Did you know that Ceremonial Grade Matcha is one of the most highest qualities of Matcha? It is solid green in colour with delicate yet fine textures. It is used for only one purpose- drinking. Moreover, I recommend drinking it chilled along with any kind of milk. It is produced by using youngest leaves, which is why it has a vibrant green colour along with a sweet and delicate feel with zero added bitterness.

Culinary Grade Matcha
This is a type of matcha that I would often use in my kitchen. Just by its name, we can understand that it can be used in cooking and baking. It is not intended to be used for drinking because of its slight bitter flavour. It is produced by using the leaves from second or third harvest, which is the only reason why it has a slight bitter taste. I recommended using it along with other ingredients like in smoothies or in cakes which will in turn help to balance out its taste. It is generally not as sweet as a Ceremonial Matcha. Also, it is sub divided into five types mainly:

Premium: An everyday use Matcha, pairs well along with drinks to refresh your dull morning.
Café: Tends to pair well in baking and cooking due to its strong flavour content.
Ingredient: Being produced with the blend of older green leaves gives the tea a thicker consistency, hence it is suitable to be used in dairy products.
Kitchen: Produced with the smallest amount of delicate leaves, not as fine as the other Matcha type and is bitter, unfortunately these are used by coffee shops as it is affordable.
Classic: Easily available and can be used in various recipes.  

Difference between Matcha and Green Tea

People usually confuse Matcha with green tea and vice versa. To be clear, Matcha is consumed as whole whereas a Green tea, we tend to brew and then strain out the leaves. Matcha has twice the caffeine
 content than a Green Tea does which is why we feel energetic yet remain at ease after consuming it. Matcha has a natural sweet flavour whereas Green Tea lies on the earthy side. Matcha is a vibrant green coloured tea, whereas Green tea has a yellowish green hue to it.

Now you can never go wrong on selecting the perfect Matcha blend and can use it for its desired purpose. But do you still know "how to make a perfectly brewed cup of Matcha?" Well you don't have to worry anymore, do read my next blog to know more about it! Comment down a Matcha type that you would prefer to use. 




  1. This is so cool, never knew so much about Matcha, thanks for sharing🫶

  2. Can't wait to try out the different grades of matcha. Amazing Blog. Thanks for keeping us posted on such info 💜

  3. Fantas”tea”c information 🙃

  4. Amazing blog!!! ❤️

  5. Great work Afrah! 👏

  6. Wooww amazing

  7. Ingredient based matcha✨

  8. Very eloquently explained about the Matcha & products as , Myself from culinary background it helped me to grow my knowledge . Well done blog like this would be much more appreciated .👍

  9. Nice blog 👍🏻

  10. Awesome blog 🤍

  11. Amazing blog ✅

  12. Prithviraj selvakumarJuly 12, 2023 at 9:25 AM

    Very informative

  13. So informative 🙏🏼

  14. informative blog

  15. Interesting info 👀

  16. Informative information

  17. Very informative blog can’t wait to

  18. "Your blog post on the different grades of matcha is incredibly informative. I had no idea there were such distinct variations and quality levels to consider."

  19. I found your tips for identifying high-quality matcha, such as vibrant color, fine texture, and fresh aroma, extremely helpful. It will definitely guide me in selecting the best matcha for my needs

  20. such an informative blog 👩‍💻😮

  21. I never knew there were so many kinds of matcha


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