Lets beat the heat: Strawberry Matcha Ice Cream

Sometimes all you need is Matcha....and Oh wait! some strawberries, to go along with it. When I first had a strawberry matcha latte, it tasted very sweet and tangy along, with the grassy flavors of green tea. It had a very vibrant and comforting feel to it. Because it was topped with vanilla ice cream when served, it gave the added richness and creaminess. Strawberry matcha latte has been all over the place, which made me realize that why not turn this beautiful combo into an ice cream?! lets get scooping. 


Strawberry Matcha Ice Cream

This smooth and rich combination is a mix of ripe strawberries, sugar, matcha powder, egg whites, vanilla extract and heavy cream. This is a no churn ice cream which makes it easy to prepare yet taste delicious at every bite. For the extra added freshness, mint and basil can also be added. If you really like matcha and strawberries, this ice cream is just for you.

Lets head towards the recipe:
I have made this recipe twice and believe me it is never enough for everyone. This recipe of mine is very easy yet delectable. Lets begin!

1) Macerated Strawberry chunks
Maceration literally means to cook any fruit along with little amount of sugar in its own juices until it turns soft and mushy. Take around 250g of strawberries, destemmed and cut in half. Macerate these with 1/4 cup of sugar on medium heat until mushy and soft. Cover and chill at room temperature.

2) Whipped Matcha base
Scald 1 cup of heavy cream. From the same cream, take 1/4 cup in a bowl and add in 1tbsp of culinary grade matcha. Combine the two with the help of a Bamboo whisk. Pour in the matcha mixture in rest of the cream and mix. Chill for 3-4hours and then whip to stiff peaks.

3) Whipped egg whites base
Cook 3 egg whites with 3tbsp of sugar over double boiler until the sugar is dissolved and is frothy. Whip to stiff peaks. Add 1tbsp of vanilla extract for extra added flavor.

4) Lets get mixing 
Fold in the whipped matcha base with whipped egg whites base.
Pour it in an air tight container. 

5) Macerated strawberry assembling
Add the strawberry chunks over the ice cream mix and swirl with the back of a spoon. Do not mix. Put a layer of cling wrap and place the lid. Refrigerate for 6 hours or overnight.

6) Dig in!
Serve this beautiful and vibrant Strawberry Matcha Ice cream with sliced strawberries and mint on the side. I must tell you, one scoop is never enough for everyone! 

Tips to elevate your Ice Creams at home:
Here are some of my tips and tricks to achieve the most creamy and delicious ice creams at home-

1) Chilling up of mixing bowls, whisk attachment and ingredients like heavy cream helps to elevate flavors and textures well. 
2) One of my favorite tricks to attain better green tea flavors is by heating matcha with the heavy cream, and then chilling it before whipping it to stiff peaks. This also helps to obtain a lump free fluff.  
3) Strawberry chunks macerated in sugar can be folded or swirled in the ice cream mixture for better flavors and eye appeal. 
4) I prefer using egg whites over yolks as it gives a lighter and creamier feel. 

And thats how beautifully anyone can make Strawberry Matcha Ice Cream at home. The classic earthy flavors of green tea paired along with macerated strawberry creates both a delightful yet a harmonious combo of flavors. I've made this recipe twice and believe me, it is never enough!

Apart from that, If you are looking for something gooey and decadent, easy to prepare for picnics or to snack onto, I also have My Double Chocolate Matcha Cookie recipe in hand. Do read my very next blog to know more about it...
Until then, enjoy your scoop of Strawberry Matcha Ice Cream!


  1. Woahhh!! This looks so yummm! Welldone Afrah🫶✨🤌
    Thanks for making me hungry at midnight😭😂


  3. This information was definitely a scoop!!

  4. Very well written!!

  5. Can't wait to try this out

  6. Beautiful recipe

  7. Really great recipe, and innovative flavours

  8. damn that easy to make this!!!

  9. Easyyy easyyy recipe!!💖💖

  10. Wow i would love to try this…….looks very delicious

  11. amazing recipe! Truly loved it. Will definitely try it out! I'm in loveee. Good job! Keep it up

  12. Good work keep going

  13. A scoopful of information 👍🏻

  14. Interesting flavour pairing

  15. Veryyyy niceeee🤌

  16. Looks yummy. Gotta try this recipe soon


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